Monday, November 18, 2013

Hometown Monday - Three "N"s but No "O"s

Hometown Monday - Three "N"s but No "O"s

We are continuing this series of posts of excerpts from the novels, novellas, and short stories of "The Homeplace Saga" family story-telling, with a new twist. We have adopted a format from the: "Blogging From A to Z Challenge." Each week we will share a published except related to a person whose name begins with that letter. 

This series of posts is to provide an insight into the story lines that may not be clear from other promotional pieces about "The Homeplace Saga." These will also be coordinated with the content of the developmental Wiki, "Beyond the Books" - to expand the information available there, as well. [Links in the text, below, provide more information on that person or entity]

Today we look at names beginning with the letter N.

For N, we have (with two excerpts, Nicole in both, below):

Neil Harms - intergenerational consultant

Nicole Evans - grand-daughter of Doc Evans in 1996 - worked at Big Thunder Lodge - married Christopher Ogden in Oct 1996

Norma (Hartman) Kirk - deceased - wife of Don, mother of Brian

[Click on image to go to]

Our excerpts today are from the novel, "Christmas at the Homeplace," recently released, now available at… for Christmas purchases:

This excerpt is from "Christmas at the Homeplace" is from Chapter 14, Sunday, November 24, 1996:

Nicole returned home from her 2-10 p.m. shift on Sunday night just as Christopher was finished watching the evening news on television. Christopher noticed immediately that she had a big smile on her face and was nearly bursting to share her good news.
“Just one more week of this strange shift I have been on. Starting Wednesday, December 4, I will be on a normal 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule. How do you like that?”
Christopher gave her a big, long hug, and asked: “How did this happen? You hadn’t mentioned it at all.”
“No, I really didn’t know. I think you know they have been going through some reorganization, and even personnel changes, up at Big Thunder.” Nicole looked to Christopher for confirmation.
“Yes, Paul has mentioned that recently, from his talks with Julie Barnes.”
“Well, unknown to me, they had been looking at my background, having worked in all aspects of hospitality between here and my time in Springfield since college, but still young. They asked me if I would work on a new team with a techie person and an administrative person to develop a new Internet presence and strategy for the Lodge. I liked the idea, and I love the opportunity to be on a normal work week and normal work shift.” Nicole was still almost breathless, just talking about the change and the opportunity.
“Well, needless to say, I’m very happy about it, as well,” Christopher said. “Do you have any idea how long this project team will continue?”
“I really didn’t ask. It sounded like an initial task that might take several months. That was good enough for me. And, it is the kind of special assignment that would normally lead to a pretty good placement on the other end, if the task is completed successfully.”
“Yes,” Christopher agreed. “I can certainly see that possibility. I should be a really interesting project.”
They continued to talk about the new possibilities.  

This excerpt is from "Christmas at the Homeplace" is from Chapter 24, Sunday, December 22, 1996:

As Bart and Diane left the United Methodist Church service on Sunday, they came across Christopher and Nicole with Linda Ogden. After a few minutes of conversation, Diane said to Linda, “We didn’t know what you were doing for Christmas day or Christmas Eve, but we’d really like to have you join us at our place if you don’t have specific other plans.”
Linda smiled, and replied, “Thank you, Diane. You are very kind. We were just talking about that, actually. Melanie, Richard and Kim are staying home for Christmas this year but will be coming down for New Year’s Day.” Looking to Christopher and Nicole, she continued, “It might be nice to spend Christmas day with all of you.” 
“Yes, Mom, I think that would be a good thing to do. Jennifer, Brian and Don will be there, too. We had a good time at the Thanksgiving dinner, it would be nice to be together again out at Bart and Diane’s place for Christmas.”
“We’ll plan on it then, Diane. Thank you each for asking me.” Linda smiled at Bart and Diane, then at Christopher and Nicole. “Its pretty cold out here today. We should get in the car.”
“Good idea, Mom.” Christopher offered, and they moved in that direction. 
Bart and Diane watched them get into the Lincoln, with Christopher driving and his mother in the back seat, Nicole beside him. Bart said, “She is holding up pretty good, but she looks a good ten years older the last couple of months.”
Diane nodded, “I can see that as well. It is really important for her to keep getting out and getting on with her life; as hard as that must be at a time like this.”
“I’m really pleased that she accepted our invitation. I was afraid she would decline and just stay home,” Bart added.
“Yes,” Diane agreed, “This was a big step in the right direction for her. She is still young. After all, she is the same age as we are. She needs to be doing things to quietly remind her of that.” 
They left the conversation at that, with each of them carrying out their own set of memories that those words had invoked in them.

"May each of us have a Homeplace to hold onto, if only in our minds."

Bill  ;-)

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