Saturday, July 27, 2019

July 27, 2019, Update

July 27, 2019, Update 

Two posts this week: 

1. Jake Patton remembered 1850, I can only remember 1950…how about you?:

2. Ferrell and Julia Weston added a few more years in this new episode:

Each Wednesday and Friday, we are posting, for Patrons, the stories of the growth of Oak Springs from 1876, featuring the Kings and Levi Weston. Join us, today. By joining, you can read each and all of the past postings on ‘The Founding.’ These postings tell the earliest stories of Oak Springs and the people who lived there in the order these events occurred. 

BECOME A PATRON… of our creative writing. A great gift to yourself and to us here at “The Homepage Saga” series of family-related, historical fiction stories. Only a dollar a month…new material added weekly, along with the Wednesday and Friday posting of early stories… each only available to Patrons.
Come, join us! ;-)

The Patreon program provides a curated (systemized) presentation of our stories and a single content library, over time. Can you support this effort? I’ll be spending a little more time here, as we go forward…

We also have discussions about the stories. I hope you will join us in these conversations. 

I hope you continue to enjoy these stories. If you do, leave a note, here or elsewhere…

Enjoy! ;-)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

July 20, 2019, Update

July 20, 2019, Update 

Two posts this week: 

1. Jake Patton recalled the effects of the Gold Rush in 1849:

2. We covered a few years with Ferrell and Julia Weston in this episode:

Each Wednesday and Friday, we are posting, for Patrons, the stories of the growth of Oak Springs from 1876, featuring the Kings and Levi Weston. Join us, today. By joining, you can read each and all of the past postings on ‘The Founding.’ These postings tell the earliest stories of Oak Springs and the people who lived there in the order these events occurred. 

BECOME A PATRON… of our creative writing. A great gift to yourself and to us here at “The Homepage Saga” series of family-related, historical fiction stories. Only a dollar a month…new material added weekly, along with the Wednesday and Friday posting of early stories… each only available to Patrons.
Come, join us! ;-)

The Patreon program provides a curated (systemized) presentation of our stories and a single content library, over time. Can you support this effort? I’ll be spending a little more time here, as we go forward…

We also have discussions about the stories. I hope you will join us in these conversations. 

I hope you continue to enjoy these stories. If you do, leave a note, here or elsewhere…

Enjoy! ;-)

Saturday, July 13, 2019

July 13, 2019, Update - Following 4th of July Holiday Vacation

July 13, 2019, Update
Following 4th of July Holiday Vacation

The Colonel Jake Patton Memoir stories continued to be posted each week while we were gone. You can catch up here, if you missed either one:

1. Jake Patton recalled changes in 1847:

2. 1848 was the year Jake Patton helped create the Town of Oak Springs:

3. Ferrell and Julia stories will resume next week, if all goes as expected.

Each Wednesday and Friday, we are posting, for Patrons, the stories of the growth of Oak Springs from 1876, featuring the Kings and Levi Weston. Join us, today. By joining, you can read each and all of the past postings on ‘The Founding.’ These postings tell the earliest stories of Oak Springs and the people who lived there in the order these events occurred. 

BECOME A PATRON… of our creative writing. A great gift to yourself and to us here at “The Homepage Saga” series of family-related, historical fiction stories. Only a dollar a month…new material added weekly, along with the Wednesday and Friday posting of early stories… each only available to Patrons.
Come, join us! ;-)

The Patreon program provides a curated (systemized) presentation of our stories and a single content library, over time. Can you support this effort? I’ll be spending a little more time here, as we go forward…

We also have discussions about the stories. I hope you will join us in these conversations. 

I hope you continue to enjoy these stories. If you do, leave a note, here or elsewhere…

Enjoy! ;-)